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girl standing outside of a building

The Summer Externship Program, an initiative of the Leadership Department, is an opportunity for rising junior and senior students to partake in experiential learning in potential career fields.  

Launched in the Summer of 2020 with fully virtual opportunities for a limited number of students, the Summer Externship program has expanded to place 60 or more students each year in virtual and in-person externships in a variety of fields.  

To participate, students must apply to the program and interview with the Leadership Department to determine externship placement. If selected, students must work 30 hours over the summer and maintain a journal of their experiences. Students are also required to create a business card and presentation for the Externship Fair.  

In the Summer of 2023, 63 students completed externships at 35 companies, including Senator Maria Collett’s office, Einstein Hospital/Jefferson Healthcare System, Jefferson Institute for Bioprocessing, Girls’ Life Magazine, and the Kimmel Center.  

We welcomed the externship hosts to attend the Externship Fair to see their students’ presentations. The student presentations stirred an interest in Externships in the underclassmen, who are already inquiring about the opening of next summer’s application. 

“The Externship Fair is an awesome opportunity for Gwynedd Girls to get experience during the summer working in a variety of programs. I learned a lot about one student’s experience working down at Einstein Hospital/Jefferson Healthcare System and was really interested in what she saw and what she experienced in those 3 weeks – from visiting with cancer patients to visiting babies in the NICU. The people we talked with also spoke highly of her experience working with Centennial Lending Group where she had a lot of hands on experience in the banking field. Overall, an excellent opportunity for students and Gwynedd.”  - Mrs. Elizabeth Newton, social studies faculty.